
    Partnering with Kingdom Businesses and Ministries

    Are You Building HIS Kingdom?


    The Plan

    • A network of businesses focused on building the Kingdom
    • A network of Holy Spirit lead ministries working together to reap the harvest of souls
    • A platform for businesses and ministries to partner together to win more souls
    • A network of aircraft for ministries and businesses to utilize to further this mission
    • A payment platform to capture the wealth of the unsaved and distribute to the righteous
    • Develop a program for Christians to cancel debt and harvest souls around the world
    • Create a system for Christians to work together in times of need to prosper
  • The Team


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    Chris Zoucha

    Business Entrepreneur

    Mr. Zoucha has over 2 decades of experience working with organizations of all shapes and sizes with a proven track record of supernatural growth. The Holy Spirit lead him to create a business incubator model based on the guidance of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit so that every business will be a Kingdom Business and every Ministry a business with the sole focus to bring in the End Time harvest of souls..
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    Alishia Zoucha

    Efficiency Expert

    Mrs. Zoucha has worked with multiple companies analyzing their businesses and creating processes to maximize their employees. She is also a tremendous relationship builder with countless number of individuals that can attest to her ability to bring people together in the love of Jesus.

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